Hong Kong British National (Overseas) Visa

Posted: June 30, 2022

The end of January marked a year since the UK opened its British National (Overseas) (BNO) visa scheme, allowing people from Hong Kong to live, work and study in the UK with the possibility of becoming a British citizen after six years. This route, it has been argued in the media, promises that those who come from Hong Kong will be a diverse group, reflecting the reasons why they wish to migrate to the UK: to study and to work, to invest and to seek sanctuary and protection.


Who Can Apply?

You can apply for a BNO visa if you are a British national (overseas) and 18 years or older, and your permanent home is in Hong Kong if you are applying outside the UK, or in the UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Hong Kong if you are applying in the UK. You can apply to stay for either 2 years and 6 months, or 5 years and can apply to extend your visa if you want to stay longer as many times as you want. After you have lived in the UK for 5 years you are eligible to apply to live in the UK permanently.


What You Can & Cannot Do

With a BNO visa you can work (except work as a professional sportsperson or sports coach) and study. You will not usually have permission to apply for access to public funds unless you are eligible for this in certain financial circumstances.



When you apply for the BNO visa you must pay the visa application fee, the health surcharge and prove that you have enough money to support yourself and your family members for at least 6 months while you are in the UK; how much you need depends on how many family members are applying. There is a separate charge for you and your family members for both the application and the health surcharge.



When you apply for the BNO you can use a current or expired BNO passport or photocopy of it to show your BNO status. If you have neither of these the Home Office will check your status. You’ll also need to provide evidence that you have a permanent home in Hong Kong, the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man; that you have enough money to support yourself and your family; of your relationship with family members; and of your tuberculosis test certificate from an approved provider if you have not already done so on arrival in the UK.

Jones Whyte are happy to advise and assist you with a BNO visa, including what documents you need to provide to the Home Office to give your application the best chance of success, as well as to submit your application. We can also assist you to submit an application to live permanently in the UK if you have lived here for 5 years, and with the evidence you need to submit that too, as well as applying for British citizenship.  We can also help with an refusal that has come out of a BNO visa application – just contact our experienced immigration team to see how they can help you.

Your Immigration Lawyer offers bespoke initial consultations priced at £199, we will review your case and provide you expert advice on the best next steps. Contact us today to arrange. Our consultations can be carried out either in person or virtually.