How to Prepare For Your Immigration Consultation

Posted: March 21, 2023

Consulting with an immigration lawyer is an essential step in navigating the often-complex process of obtaining a visa, permanent residency, or citizenship in the UK among other things. However, to make the most of your consultation, it is crucial to prepare beforehand. In this blog post, we will share some tips on how to prepare for your consultation with Your Immigration Lawyer.

Gather Relevant Documents

Make a list of all the documents that you have and those that you need to obtain. Bring all relevant documents to the consultation, including your passport, visa or residence permit, employment contract, education certificates, tax documents, and any other papers related to your immigration status. This information will help your lawyer assess your situation and provide you with the best possible advice.

Prepare a List of Questions

Make a list of questions that you want to ask Your Immigration Lawyer during the consultation. Think about the issues that you need clarification on or are unsure about, such as visa requirements, processing times, or the eligibility criteria for certain immigration categories. Writing down your questions beforehand will help ensure that you don’t forget to ask anything important during the consultation.

Be Honest and Open

Be honest and open about your situation with Your Immigration Lawyer. Provide all relevant information, including any previous visa applications, refusals, or deportations, as well as any criminal history. Your lawyer needs to know all the facts to give you accurate advice and avoid any potential complications in your case.

Take Notes

Bring a pen and paper to take notes during the consultation as you may want to take notes however, at Your Immigration Lawyer we provide our clients with written feedback summary of what was discussed including:
• Next recommended steps
• HO fees and our fees for client to consider
• Further instruction

Be Prepared to Discuss Fees

Discuss fees with your immigration lawyer at the consultation. Understand the billing process, how much the legal services will cost, and what payment options are available. A written fee agreement will be provided to avoid any misunderstandings or surprises later on.

In conclusion, preparing for your consultation with Your Immigration Lawyer is crucial to getting the best possible advice and making informed decisions about your immigration case. By gathering relevant documents, preparing a list of questions, being honest and open, and discussing fees, you can make the most of your consultation and take the first step towards your immigration journey.

Get started with our expert immigration guidance – Book your initial consultation for just £199 (VAT included). Contact us today and let’s take the first step together towards achieving your immigration goals!